2024 미국 로스쿨 순위 (학비, 입학허가률, 취업률)

미국 로스쿨

순위 학교 학비 등록 학생수 LSAT (중간 25~75%) 입학 허가률 졸업 후 취업률
1 Standford 71,609 577 170~176 6.88% 96.8%
1 Yale 71,540 636 171~178 5.72% 98.6%
3 U of Chicago 76,479 610 169~175 14.24% 97.7%
4 U of Pennsylvania 73,008 824 177~173 9.74% 98.7%
5 Duke 74,100 755 168~171 10.74% 98.6%
5 Harvard 73,600 1,747 170~176 10.6% 98.3%
5 NYU 76,290 1,413 169~174 15.65% 97.67%
8 Columbia 78,278 1,293 172~176 11.42% 98.2%
8 U of Virginia 74,200 922 166~173 12.88% 98.5%
10 Northwestern 72,212 769 166~172 15.05% 98.5%
10 UC Barkeley 69,857 1,093 167~172 12.47% 96.38%
10 U of Michigan 69,808 959 166~172 13.51% 95.5%
13 Cornell 74,183 580 170~174 17.44% 97.9%
14 UCLA 67,248 1,038 166~172 15.50% 96.3%
15 Georgetown 71,996 1,800 166~172 17.64% 96.8%
16 U of Minnesota 54,696 669 162~169 17.17% 96.4%
16 USC 73,998 631 165~169 12.70% 96.6%
16 Texas-Austin 54,096 987 166~171 14.56% 94.81%
16 Vanderbilt 69,998 544 163~170 14.51% 94.2%
20 U of Georgia 38,362 537 156~169 14.83% 97.1%
20 Washinton U – St. Louis 67,008 780 164~173 18.02% 93.7%
22 Brigham Young U 29,272 384 165~171 32.41% 97.1%
22 Ohio State U 49,292 521 159~166 37.11% 95.3%
22 U of Florida 38,040 690 162~170 16.94% 96.32%
22 U of North Carolina 76,670 592 162~167 14.61% 96.3%
22 Wake Forest U 57,050 402 159~166 32.98% 98.8%
27 Boston U 63,606 759 164~171 16.33% 98.87%
27 U of Notre Dame 68,054 529 163~170 24.58% 97.62%
29 Boston College 66,600 802 162~167 10.16% 95.3%
29 Fordham U 69,166 1,145 164~168 18.79% 93.75%
29 Texas A&M University 48,628 462 158~166 17.59% 98.25%
32 Arizona state U 50,317 853 158~168 19.65% 93.44%
32 George Mason U 39,684 487 158~167 19.63% 97.26%
32 U of Utah 49,635 277 158~164 31.95% 98.1%
35 Emory U 65,510 792 161~169 32.19% 90.61%
35 George Washington U 69,740 1,549 162~169 25% 91.42%
35 U of Albama 44,740 425 159~168 25.78% 93.94%
35 UC Irvine 57,600 443 162~168 19.45% 86.62%
35 U of lowa 47,880 500 161~165 41.28% 98.14%
40 U of Kansas 28,804 344 153~160 55.33%  97.9%
40 U of Wiscosin-Madison 51,854 758 157~167 35.18% 94.67%
40 Washington and Lee U 54,460 373 159~166 32.71% 96.62%
43 U of lllinois-U/C 48,248 524 162~167 34.74% 98.45%
43 Villanova U 55,630 562 158~165 16.47% 94.57%
45 Indiana U 58,000 545 158~165 41.35% 92.25%
45 Pepperdine University 63,660 551 159~166 27.68% 88%
45 Southern Methodist U 61,058 687 160~165 33.91% 97.41%
45 William and Mary 58,604 606 160~166 46.01% 93.34%
49 Baylor U 61,877 428 159~164 23.87% 93.11%
49 U of Washington 53,454 492 160~166 30.29% 90.85%
51 U of Maryland 50,630 605 157~164 29.94% 92.27%
51 U of Oklahoma 35,723 541 155~160 42.52 92.82
51 U of Tennessee-Knoxville 382 382 155~162 33.18% 92.5%
54 Temple U 44,560 535 160~1665 36.55% 93.7%
54 U of Arizona 30,667 369 158~164 24.93% 92.42%
56 Florida State U 40,700 472 159~166 19.58% 94%
56 Seton Hall U 63,660 667 154~162 40.27% 94.42%
56 U of Colorado 40,300 505 159~166 31.23% 94.54%
56 Wayne State University 31,939 365 154~163 35.49% 92.69%
60 Florida Intl University 35,650 396 158~162 22.60% 90.81%
60 Loyola Marymount U 64,890 833 157~163 34.42% 93.11%
60 St.John’s U 70,170 748 154~164 39.91% 95%
60 UC San Francisco Law 61,074 1,087 157~163 28.95% 87.71%
60 UC Davis 59.898 670 163~166 25.18% 93.5%
60 U of Houston 49,474 669 157~162 32.13% 92.2%
60 U of Kentucky 41,500 629 156~161 37.63% 94.1%
60 U of Richmond 36,810 505 157~162 28.44% 93.8%
60 U of South Carolina 67,792 906 159~166 33.80% 92.6%
71 Marquette University 51,700 550 153~158 40.1% 91.4%
71 Northeastern U 58,804 617 158~166 31.05% 91.94%
71 Texas Tech University 38,902 444 154~160 36.80% 91.70%
71 Tulane University 64,868 619 157~163 43.29% 94.1%
71 U of Connecticut 61,396 395 156~162 27.99% 93.7%
71 U of Miami 59,562 1,150 156~164 33.47% 88.41%
71 U of Missouri 28,818 372 156~162 51.38% 95.61%
78 U of Oregon 57,586 484 155~161 55.26% 93.53%
78 U of San Diego 62,500 710 157~163 34.48% 95.92%
80 Case Western Reserve U 64,100 436 153~162 39.18% 86.96%
80 Drexel University 52,800 418 152~161 31.03% 94.94%
80 Pennsylvania St U-U Park 55,344 394 156~163 30.86% 92.6%
80 U of Denver 56,942 683 156~160 48.47% 91.94%
84 Lewis & Clark College 53,666 426 158~164 52.09% 92.05%
84 Loyola U of Chicago 54,300 760 157~161 41.73% 96.19%
84 Stetson University 51,212 758 156~160 30.95% 92.94%
84 U of Cincinnati 29,010 388 156~161 44.80% 96.93%
88 Drake University 47,998 320 151~157 71.28% 95.42%
89 American University 61,936 911 156~163 33.77% 84.43%
89 Duquesne University(Kline) 53,416 387 154~158 56.31% 93.8%
89 Penn St U-Carlisle(Dickinson) 56,774 256 156~163 36.8% 91.47%
89 St. Louis U 46,574 512 153~161 61.16% 91.81%
89 U of Nebraska Las Vegas 26,256 438 155~161 60.94% 92.81%
89 U of Nevada Las Vegas 41,700 373 155~162 35.44% 94.86%
89 U of Pittsburgh 47,504 388 159~163 33.20% 86.4%
96 U of Montana (Blewett) 63,963 251 151~158 66.09% 89.03%
96 U of New Mexico 43,060 314 152~160 47.05% 92%
96 U of St. Thomas 46,740 468 152~159 65/48% 95.71%
99 Gonzaga University 50,235 457 152~156 61.86% 83.85%
99 lllinois Inst. of Tech 52,170 626 155~161 50.55% 89.09%
99 Indiana U-Indianapolis 51,668 529 151~158 64.85% 93.47%
99 Lousiana St U 23,665 607 154~159 52.50% 87.44%
99 Mercer Univ (George) 42,292 380 153~157 46.11% 90.84%
99 U of Louisville 29,550 365 152~158 54.21% 76.10%
105 U of Arkansas 19,462 368 153~158 41.17% 80%
105 U of New Hampshire 48,000 567 152~159 51.74% 90.09%
109 Rutgers 41,053 1,073 155~160 41.06% 91.43%
111 Brooklyn Law School 68,231 1,070 157~161 46.22% 88.63%
111 Michigan St U 45,600 635 153~159 43.89% 87.23%
111 U of Tulsa 27,686 360 151~158 60.44% 88.79%
111 West Virginia University 42,120 316 152~158 41.14% 96.23%
122 Syracuse U 59,880 676 154~160 41.71% 90.36%
125 New York LawSchool 60,886 878 152~158 51.53% 90.22%
125 U of Buffalo 30,250 462 153~156 44.04% 90.23%

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